The Course is for LADIES only and is entitled :
‘Introduction to Tawhīd’
This course offers a concise study of the components of tawhīd, consisting of rubūbiyya (Lordship);‘ubūdiyya (Servanthood) and ilāhiyya (Divinity). By studying how each of these appear in the Qur’an and hadīth, students will gain a clearer and more systematic understanding of the Oneness of God as taught by the Ahl al-Bayt (as).
The course is for 8 weeks to be held every Saturday at AL Noor Centre from 12.30pm to 1.30pm commencing on Saturday 25th January 2014 and is open to Sisters of all Ages from 14 plus
The course will be conducted by
Dr. Rebecca Masterton
Research Fellow, The Shī’ah Institute, London
Presenter Ahlulbayt TV, London
Director and tutor at Online Shia Studies