Food Drive



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Al-Noor Institute
Sort code: 20-24-61
Account: 30858579




1. We are living in unprecedented times, where the world is in crisis mode. This has forced many to make extraordinary changes to their lives. In the UK, One in Five lives below the poverty line. 2. We are taking inspiration from the Quran and Ahlebayt : “You are the best community (Ummah) raised up for (the benefit of) humanity; enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in God…” (Quran 3:110) 3. The Prophet (s.a.w) said, the example of the believers in their love, mercy and sympathy for one another can be compared to one body; when any part of the body aches, the whole body responds with sleeplessness and fever.

What is the objective?

To alleviate the suffering and provide some relief, we have at Al Noor, initiated a project, to help the refugees, the homeless, the elderly, sick & disabled on a weekly basis. We intend to launch on Thursday 26 November 2020 and provide a hot meal to the needy in South London on a weekly basis every Thursday at 6.30pm outside Norbury Park. This will be done through a combination of setting a Hot Food stall at the entrance of Norbury Park (opposite Norbury Station), delivering food at refugee centres in Croydon, and also delivering meals to the elderly, sick, and disabled at their homes.

The ASK:

1. In terms of FUNDING, we have a target to raise £250 per week and look forward to your generous contributions. If you could set up standing orders on a monthly basis, it will be facilitated in managing the funds. Please share the link with friends and family. A monthly donation would be great no matter how small everything is greatly appreciated- you can also do a one-off donation as well! Just £2 will provide hot meal for our guest.

2. We are, obviously, looking for committed VOLUNTEERS to join the Al Noor team to carry out these rewarding tasks. We would need 1 hour of your time on a weekly basis for packing, distributing and delivering. Please share this with anyone else who may be interested and join the WhatsApp group to add your name when you can attend.

Together we can succeed…. Let us spare a moment for those who are really struggling and desperate to have a hot meal, a proper bed, even a warm jumper! We owe it to each other to make sure no one is left hungry due to changes to circumstances such as loss of job, illness, disability, or family breakdown. May God Bless you all immensely for your efforts and support.

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